100% New Mexico’s 10 Vital Services Model Resonated Strongly During Pandemic

What We Did 

We conducted a developmental evaluation study of eight New Mexico counties’ adaptation of the 100% New Mexico model to ensure access to 10 vital services during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The goal was to document progress in the model seven steps and collective impact, and to inform the leadership of the Anna, Age Eight Institute about ongoing implementation of 100% New Mexico. 

What We Found 

Our evaluation found that the 100% New Mexico model’s emphasis on surviving and thriving services resonated strongly with counties during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis. The community-led approach empowered implementing counties to leverage existing strengths. The flexibility offered by the model was critical to their ability to effectively engage key community leaders and sectors and develop their initiatives in ways that incorporated local context and assets. Implementing 100% New Mexico initiatives bolstered counties’ cross-sector communication and use of continuous improvement to strengthen their implementation activities. Capacity gaps emerged as counties’ 100% New Mexico volunteer-led initiatives worked to shift from needs identification to action. Reliance on volunteer capacity, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulted in uneven progress in developing a robust backbone infrastructure and shared approach to measurement. 

What It Means 

The 100% New Mexico initiative has promising potential to systematically help community members within the counties that are served. However, existing capacity gaps can limit the extent of services. We recommend that the counties participating in the 100% New Mexico program:  

  • Refine how the model conceptualizes leadership roles for local 100% New Mexico members 
  • Foster connections across counties implementing the 100% New Mexico initiative focused on the 10 specific vital services sectors 
  • Continue to provide technical assistance opportunities that address adaptive leadership and the use of survey and other data to identify and develop data-driven solutions to community needs 
  • Partner with key decision makers and lawmakers to bolster the resources that counties implementing 100% New Mexico can leverage 
  • Further clarify how the model conceptualizes the 7-step process.

To learn how one county implemented this initiative, read the related implementation evaluation report.

Recommended Citation
McCrae, J., Spain, A., & Rivera S. (2022). Evaluation of New Mexico State University’s 100% New Mexico Initiative using collective impact to ensure ten vital services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.

Download the report
Download the San Miguel County brief